Last month on Saturday of February the 16th, several Boy Scouts
participated in the 2013 BSA Troop Leader Training session. Ian McC, Johnny M,
Aiden M, Devin W, Josh R, Colin B, Chris B, Evan S, Joseph
H, Alan P, & Tyler I were all accounted for in the Kennedy
Room from 5-10 pm. Training was taught by Mr. J. Barone and Mr. J. Walsh.
The biggest topic of the night was how to be a strong Boy Scout
troop by teaching each other the correct Scouting way. We discussed how to plan
are patrols correctly and how the patrol system is organized. Another Issue we
discussed is our Patrol vision which is: “To encourage &
support each other while reaching our goals and having fun”
I learned many new things that night. For instance how the
Boy Scout position ladder is organized. Also I found out about the EDGE method
which stands for, E: Explain; D: Demonstrate; G: Guide; E: Enable.
This is how the NYLT trains Scouts. This is used because without
a guide or a leader, you will be confused and lost.