We had some special visitors one Saturday afternoon. They had just come back from Santarchy and decided to purchase a tree from us.
The official blog of Troop 466 (Potomac District, National Capital Area Council)
“A Scout is reverent, he is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties and respects the convictions of others in matters of custom and religion.”
Maybe there’s a reason ‘reverent’ is the final point of the Scout Law. Maybe we need the first 11 points to help us build towards it. Understanding what we believe in – our faith and our convictions – opens us up to appreciating and respecting the differences that are inherent in our communities today. The Scout Oath says, in part, “on my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God.” Doing our duty to God means that we have compassion for our ourselves and for our neighbors, that we are indeed trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and, yes, reverent.
From Capital Comments Dec. 2011 Edition
As results continue to come in from our latest Scouting for Food Good Turn we know that we have once again made a huge impact on the ability of local food pantries to help those in need at this critical time of year. We have surpassed our 2011 goal, collecting 748,689 pounds of food! Thank you to all our "good Scouts" who participated and made a difference!
From Capital Comments Dec. 2011
PS: Troop 466 and Pack 466 worked together to collect over 400lbs. of food.