Friday, June 21, 2024

Troop 466's Heartwarming Act of Kindness


Here’s a picture from the Troop service activity of making sandwiches for Shepherds Table.

In a recent heartwarming initiative, some of the scouts of Troop 466 exemplified the true meaning of community service by coming together to make a tangible difference. With unwavering dedication and a shared goal of giving back, these young scouts spent hours meticulously crafting 120 sandwiches with love and care.

Their destination? Shepherd's Table, a beacon of hope for the less fortunate in our community. This local food bank not only provides nourishment but also offers a sense of dignity and support to those facing hardships. Troop 466's commitment to this cause goes beyond simply providing sustenance; it embodies the values of empathy, generosity, and solidarity.

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