Troop 466 would like to thank you for supporting us during our 46th Christmas Tree Sale. Whether you purchased a tree, wreath and rope, we thank you.
The official blog of Troop 466 (Potomac District, National Capital Area Council)
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
Chirstmas Tree Sales Are On!
Saturday and Sunday: 10am to 9pm
Monday thru Friday (Dec. 5 thru 9): 5pm to 9pm
Monday thru Friday (Dec. 12th until): 3pm to 9pm
Cash/Checks. No Credit Cards
Location: St. John the Evangelist Church 10103 Georgia Ave. Silver Spring MD -- near Medical Park Drive)
Monday thru Friday (Dec. 5 thru 9): 5pm to 9pm
Monday thru Friday (Dec. 12th until): 3pm to 9pm
Cash/Checks. No Credit Cards
Location: St. John the Evangelist Church 10103 Georgia Ave. Silver Spring MD -- near Medical Park Drive)
Friday, November 11, 2011
Thank You Vets!
Boy Scout Troop 466 would like to take this opportunity to thank and recognize all of those who have served in the US Armed Forces on this Veteran’s Day. We would especially like to recognize those who are Troop 466 leaders.
Thank You!
Monday, November 7, 2011
100th Anniversary of the Eagle Rank
If you earn your Eagle Scout rank in 2012, you’ll get a special commemorative rank patch.
2012 is the 100th anniversary of the first-ever Eagle Scout, a young man named Arthur Eldred who earned his Eagle in 1912.
Click here, for a photo.
2012 is the 100th anniversary of the first-ever Eagle Scout, a young man named Arthur Eldred who earned his Eagle in 1912.
Click here, for a photo.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Fifty Years Ago
NCAC History – 1950
In the 50s, while the world was recovering from WWII, NCAC adopted a couple of new beginnings.
Order of the Arrow, the honorary camping fraternity, was established at NCAC on March 12, 1952, when the Charter was granted by the National BSA HQ.
A few years later, the first Wood Badge at NCAC was held in June 1954 at Camp Hoover. The course consisted first of camping experiences of eight days living under as natural a Troop situation as was possible. The second part was a completion of a series of questions regarding philosophy, politics and operation of the Boy Scout Movement.
As part of celebrating our history with NCAC By-the-Decade, we visited with the President and CEO of Goodwill of Greater Washington, Catherine Meloy. Catherine and I had a nice conversation about the impact our organizations make in our communities, and she thanked us for the 1957 Good Turn donation drive. In 1957, the Civic Service Goodwill Industries “Good Turn” program collected 70,000 bags of clothing and received 731,000 hours of service from NCAC Scouts.
Scouts in the 50s enjoyed camping as much as they do today. In 1959, 306 Troops and 5,820 Scouts attended summer camp at NCAC.
This is brought to us by NCAC Capital Comments (June 2011)
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Last Letter from Baden-Powell to Scouts
Dear Scouts:
If you have ever seen the play "Peter Pan," you will remember how the pirate chief was always making his dying speech because he was afraid that possibly when the time came for him to die he might not have the time to get it off his chest. It is much the same with me, and so, although I am not at this moment dying, I shall be doing so one of these days and I want to send you a parting word of goodbye.
Remember, it is the last you will ever hear from me, so think it over.
I have had a most happy life and I want each one of you to have as happy a life too.
I believe that God put us in this jolly world to be happy and enjoy life. Happiness doesn't come from being rich, nor merely from being successful in your career, nor by self-indulgence. One step towards happiness is to make yourself healthy and strong while you are a boy, so that you can be useful and so can enjoy life when you are a man.
Nature study will show you how full of beautiful and wonderful things God has made the world for you to enjoy. Be contented with what you have got and make the best of it. Look on the bright side of things instead of the gloomy one.
But the real way to get happiness is by giving out happiness to other people. Try and leave this world a little better than you found it, and when your turn comes to die you can die happy in feeling that at any rate you have not wasted your time but have done your best.
"Be prepared" in this way, to live happy and to die happy - stick to your Scout promise always - even after you have ceased to be a boy - and God help you to do it.
Your friend.
Baden Powell of Gilwell
Baden Powell of Gilwell
Monday, October 24, 2011
A Scout is Brave
Some people think bravery is illustrated by a heroic deed. They think it’s something to be recognized with a medal or a plaque or an award. And sometimes that’s true. But everyday bravery is just as important. Everyday bravery starts each morning when we greet the dawn with a sense of purpose and a passion for what we do, be it student or teacher, parent or child, white collar, blue collar, green collar or no collar. It’s inherent in every right choice we make…even when it’s not the most popular one. It’s in every intentional action that takes us a step closer to our goals, especially when life seems to want to push and pull us in every direction but towards the trail that leads us to success.
Being brave is not a onetime act. It is a state of being. It is a mindset and a way of life. Bravery should be something expected and, yes, celebrated. Because so many people these days take the path of least resistance. What kind of example is that to offer our children? Scouting doesn’t allow for shortcuts. To hold true to our ideals, advancements must be earned only after all requirements are satisfied and achievement should offer its own reward; it’s called pride in a job well done. Activity and merit badges, patches and neckerchiefs are certainly proof of our accomplishments, but being brave means living Scouting’s ideals every day…even when the uniform isn’t on.
Written by Les Baron, NCAC Scout Executive (Capital Comments – Oct. 2011 Edition)
Thursday, October 20, 2011
The Black Bear
On our drive back from Mammoth Springs, a black bear sprinted across the road in front of the lead car, then bounded across the field, hoped into the river and swam across it. As soon as he/she made it across the river, the Scouts cheered!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Chess Merit Badge
The Boy Scouts introduced the Chess Merit Badge in September 2011. To read the requirements, click here.
Tags: Chess Merit Badge
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Yellowstone Diary
The troop committee wisely voted to mandate showers on Thursday morning and provided live demonstrations in how to use a coin-operated washing machine. We spent the bulk of the day cleaning and packing up the campsite to afford an on-time departure this morning. Last night's dinner featured a big pot of rice 'n bison with an Indian twist (turmeric and onions) whipped up by Mr. Sharma, and cream of chicken with mushroom soup carefully crafted by Backwoods Dr. Weston.
Our closing campfire on Thursday night featured the inaugural Troop 466 Limerick and Hyku Contest (winning entries will be coming to a website near you, soon). We downed boxes of Little Debbie's, HiJos, and pudding cups, not to mention homemade S'mores. We rounded off the evening with a couple of gifts for Scoutmaster Barone, highlights of the trip, a few more Mr. Scutt stories, and authentic Romney's Mint Bars (just like the ones that accompanied Edward Hillary on the first successful scaling of Mt. Everest), lovingly transported by Alistar and John Hicklin from Wales last April.
After a few Pop Tarts and oatmeal this morning, we loaded up the Whale (our Sprinter Van), took a final group photo (courtesy of Incognito Studios), and hit the road around 10:00 AM. It is now 4:00 PM and we are pressing in on Bear Lake, Idaho. We will bunk at a Marriott Courtyard near Salt Lake City tonight and fly back via Denver tomorrow. The scouts will fill you in on more details of THE Big Trip Out West after landing around 10:00 PM tomorrow at National Airport.
Our closing campfire on Thursday night featured the inaugural Troop 466 Limerick and Hyku Contest (winning entries will be coming to a website near you, soon). We downed boxes of Little Debbie's, HiJos, and pudding cups, not to mention homemade S'mores. We rounded off the evening with a couple of gifts for Scoutmaster Barone, highlights of the trip, a few more Mr. Scutt stories, and authentic Romney's Mint Bars (just like the ones that accompanied Edward Hillary on the first successful scaling of Mt. Everest), lovingly transported by Alistar and John Hicklin from Wales last April.
After a few Pop Tarts and oatmeal this morning, we loaded up the Whale (our Sprinter Van), took a final group photo (courtesy of Incognito Studios), and hit the road around 10:00 AM. It is now 4:00 PM and we are pressing in on Bear Lake, Idaho. We will bunk at a Marriott Courtyard near Salt Lake City tonight and fly back via Denver tomorrow. The scouts will fill you in on more details of THE Big Trip Out West after landing around 10:00 PM tomorrow at National Airport.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Yellowstone Diary
All 14 backpackers made it back on Wednesday from the wilds, unscathed, but for ferocious mosquito attacks. Yellowstone has experienced lots of rain and snow runoff this summer, breeding billions more mosquitos than usual. So unbearable was the assault on the 8 of us who scaled Observation Peak (9400 feet) that we, stopped little on our way up the mountain, compressed lunch and supper into a single feeding, hung the bear bag hastily, and sought refuge in our tents. We were asleep by 8:00 PM. The long rest, however, energized us to awake at 5:00 AM to watch a spectacular sunrise overlooking the Central Plateau, with reds, and pinks and yellows streaking the stratus clouds while the fog lifted in wisps from twinkling Canyon Village below. The descent rewarded us with hip-deep meadows of wildflowers and a papa grizzly grazing peacefully at a distance of about 300 yards. Detecting our bear-alarm whoops, he galloped off behind a concealing ridge. After a hot INDOORS breakfast in Canyon Village on Wednesday we headed south to explore the post-card perfect Upper Falls and Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River -- drops exceeding 100 feet and 300 feet respectively.
The six hikers who took the trail to Mt Holmes (led by Joe Barone and John Hicklin) encountered a similar assault by the needle-sharp mosquitos. Portions of there trail were strewn with downed trees and washed-out foot bridges. Some chose to cross the largest creek bare foot through frigid water, while others balanced as acrobats on piled up logs. Cade said the best part of the journey was trying to find the over-grown and sparsely blazed path, while Christopher remarked that the best part was getting back into the cars out of the mosquitos' reach.
The third contingent spent Tuesday hiking up formidable Mt. Washburn (10,600 feet) to experience a panoramic 360-degree view of Specimen Ridge, the Mirror Plateau, the rim of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River, and even the Teton Range more than 100 miles south. This day-hiking group spent the following day re-examining the colorful hot springs around Old Faithful.
Unannounced, each of the three groups converged on Wednesday afternoon at the Mud Volcano that Joe Scutt had warned us not to miss. The spewing mud pot is part of a ring of fissures where reeking sulfuric gases and boiling hot acidic water hiss upward to create the Dragon's Mouth, Black Cauldron, Boiling Hillside and other unusual geothermal spectacles. The rotten-egg smell permeating the area was actually a welcome relief to the BO cloud enveloping our gang.
The six hikers who took the trail to Mt Holmes (led by Joe Barone and John Hicklin) encountered a similar assault by the needle-sharp mosquitos. Portions of there trail were strewn with downed trees and washed-out foot bridges. Some chose to cross the largest creek bare foot through frigid water, while others balanced as acrobats on piled up logs. Cade said the best part of the journey was trying to find the over-grown and sparsely blazed path, while Christopher remarked that the best part was getting back into the cars out of the mosquitos' reach.
The third contingent spent Tuesday hiking up formidable Mt. Washburn (10,600 feet) to experience a panoramic 360-degree view of Specimen Ridge, the Mirror Plateau, the rim of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River, and even the Teton Range more than 100 miles south. This day-hiking group spent the following day re-examining the colorful hot springs around Old Faithful.
Unannounced, each of the three groups converged on Wednesday afternoon at the Mud Volcano that Joe Scutt had warned us not to miss. The spewing mud pot is part of a ring of fissures where reeking sulfuric gases and boiling hot acidic water hiss upward to create the Dragon's Mouth, Black Cauldron, Boiling Hillside and other unusual geothermal spectacles. The rotten-egg smell permeating the area was actually a welcome relief to the BO cloud enveloping our gang.
Mr. Campion
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Yellowstone Diary (August 2, 2011)
In contrast to the sun, heat and dust of the Tetons base camp the rain, hail and cold moved in after we pitched tents and tarps at Yellowstone's Grant Village on 4unday. But while most of the troop made the pilgimage to Old Faithful (20 miles away), Surja cooked up an delicious chicken curry and rice supper and Chris McCormick scooped up Dominic and me from the Jackson Hole Airport.
Monday's forecast of thunderstorms, hail and winds gusting to 70 MPH forced us to postpone our back-country backpacking excursions. Spirits undampened, we piled into the cars and headed out for a circuit trip starting with a hot lunch at the Old Faithful Inn and another on-time spouting of the tirless geyser. Fifty miles north through the steaming heart of the Yellowstone caldera we landed at Mamouth Hot Springs where the thermal sulfuric waters burst through limestone layers to create staicase deposits of tricalate stone in oranges, yellows, blue, greens, and browns. The colors are produced by microbes unique to this delicate ecosystem and studied by NASA for hints of what primative life may be like on other planets,
Our next stop was the Towers Falls where the Yellowstone River plunges several hundred feet at the. North end of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. The vistas are amazing.
Yellowstone then more than lived up to its reputation as the Serangeti of North America. We spotted a lone adult grizzly ambling across a canyon, a black bear run across the highway and swim across the river, dozens of majestic buffalo, and a handful of elk.
Got to run (hike) now as we just reached the trailhead for our overnight backpacking trip. Fourteen guys will be on the trail tonight while the other push through a series of day hike adventures.
Monday's forecast of thunderstorms, hail and winds gusting to 70 MPH forced us to postpone our back-country backpacking excursions. Spirits undampened, we piled into the cars and headed out for a circuit trip starting with a hot lunch at the Old Faithful Inn and another on-time spouting of the tirless geyser. Fifty miles north through the steaming heart of the Yellowstone caldera we landed at Mamouth Hot Springs where the thermal sulfuric waters burst through limestone layers to create staicase deposits of tricalate stone in oranges, yellows, blue, greens, and browns. The colors are produced by microbes unique to this delicate ecosystem and studied by NASA for hints of what primative life may be like on other planets,
Our next stop was the Towers Falls where the Yellowstone River plunges several hundred feet at the. North end of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. The vistas are amazing.
Yellowstone then more than lived up to its reputation as the Serangeti of North America. We spotted a lone adult grizzly ambling across a canyon, a black bear run across the highway and swim across the river, dozens of majestic buffalo, and a handful of elk.
Got to run (hike) now as we just reached the trailhead for our overnight backpacking trip. Fourteen guys will be on the trail tonight while the other push through a series of day hike adventures.
Mr. Campion
Grand Teton,
Troop 466,
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Troop 466 Jr. Rifle Club (1960 - 1969)
From the Troop Archives...
A few years ago, I had read somewhere that for many years, in the Montgomery County High Schools, the US Department of Defense (US Army - Director of Civilian Marksmanship) encouraged and supported Rifle Clubs.
These clubs would teach student the basics of gun safety and marksmanship.
It seems that Troop 466 during that time participated in such a club. The Scouts used .22 caliber rifles at Montgomery Blair High School.
Were you a Scout at that time? Do you remember this? If yes, please put a comment in the combox and let us know. Thanks!
A few years ago, I had read somewhere that for many years, in the Montgomery County High Schools, the US Department of Defense (US Army - Director of Civilian Marksmanship) encouraged and supported Rifle Clubs.
These clubs would teach student the basics of gun safety and marksmanship.
It seems that Troop 466 during that time participated in such a club. The Scouts used .22 caliber rifles at Montgomery Blair High School.
Were you a Scout at that time? Do you remember this? If yes, please put a comment in the combox and let us know. Thanks!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Old Faithful
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Yellowstone-Colter Bay
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Jenny Lake Hike
As we reached the top of the lake, and headed north to cross over the river, a horse and mule pack train come up the trail. They were carrying equipment for the National Park Service for various jobs along the trail. Sorry I only caught the end of it.
Grand Teton,
Jenny Lake,
Troop 466
Monday, September 12, 2011
Jenny Lake Hike
On Day Three of our stay in Grand Teton, we decided to hike around Jenny Lake. Here are a couple of photos.
Grand Teton,
Jenny Lake,
Troop 466
Friday, September 9, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
Arriving at Gros Ventre
When we arrived at Gros Ventre, we were greeted by a herd of buffalo. For some of our Scouts, this was the first time they had ever seen one.
Grand Teton,
Gros Ventre,
Troop 466
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Heading Out to Grand Teton
Monday, August 22, 2011
Bear Lake State Park
After picking up vehicles and traveling almost 3 hours, we reached our first landmark: Bear Lake State Park. There we were met by our gear truck and the drivers, who had prepared dinner for us.

Bear Lake State Park,
Troop 466
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
2011 BTOW - Heading Out
As has been our tradition for over 20 years, Troop 466 heads out to Grand Teton and Yellowstone apx. every six years. Over the next few weeks, you will be treated to images of this trip.
Our trip started with our flight to Salt Lake City taking off from Reagan National. Here are some photos of us before taking off.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
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